
於 2023年3月20日 (一) 07:23 由 Tck對話 | 貢獻 所做的修訂
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綠藻門 Chlorophyta

共球藻綱 Trebouxiophyceae

綠藻目 Chlorellales

綠藻科  Chlorellaceae


描述: Solitary, attached (rarely planktonic) cells not embedded in mucilaginous matrix. Cells fusiform to slightly twisted, 16-75 x 1-6 (-9) µm, with elongate, straight or curved projections at both ends, free end attentuate and pointed, attached end with elongate process terminally widened and flattened or rounded. Cell walls smooth. Cells uninucleate; chloroplast single and parietal; pyrenoid single, often with distinct starch sheath. Asexual reproduction by autospores; 2-4 spores per sporangium, formed after oblique divisions of mother cell. Flagellated stages and sexual reproduction unknown. Podohedra in freshwater, one species planktonic, the remainder epiphytic on various substrata including algae and mosses. Species reported mostly from Europe although P. georgei described only from India. Podohedriella Hindák was segregated from Podohedra based on the absence of pyrenoids. Apart from this feature, the two genera are very