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多甲藻目 Peridiniales

原多甲藻科 Protoperidiniaceae


描述: Medium-sized (30-60 µm) thecate dinoflagellate of lenticular to spherical shape. Cingulum circular, dividing the theca into 2 more or less equal-sized parts; sulcus characterized by a large flagellar pore and restricted to the hypocone, at the left side with a large wing. Epitheca with an apical pore. Plate formula: Po, X, 3', 1a, 6", 4c, 6(?)s, 5"', 1"". First apical plate 4-sided. Thecal plates smooth, sometimes with large intercalary bands. Cytoplasm clear, sometimes reddish. Nucleus spherical; no chloroplasts. Nutrition by pallium-feeding on diatoms and other phytoplankton. Cysts of brownish color, with coarsely granular surface. Marine plankton, worldwide, mainly in coastal waters. Emend.