黃藻門 Xanthophyte
真眼藻綱 Eustigmatophyceae
角綠藻目 Goniochloridales
角綠藻科 Goniochloridaceae
類四角藻屬 Tetraedriella Pascher, 1930
描述:Cells are solitary and pyramidal or tetragonal. Walls are ornamented by regularly arranged rows of depressions, in contrast to Pseudostaurastrum, which has similar cells shapes but does not have the regular ornamentation found in Tetraedriella. Several to many parietal plastids are present. Reproduction occurs by autospores and zoospores. Tetraedriella is metaphytic in dystrophic, mesotrophic, and eutrophic lakes, ponds pools, and seeps.